I Know What You Did Last Summer Wiki

Officer David Caporizo is a character from I Know What You Did Last Summer.

Early Life[]

David Cporizo joined the Southport police department in his early 20s

I Know What You Did Last Summer[]

After Helen Shivers witnesses her boyfriend, Barry Cox being murdered by the fisherman, Officer Caproizo goes to investigate and finds no sign of Barry or his killer, thinking Helen is making it up. He deicides to take her home in his police cruiser. On the car ride home, Caporizo continues to belittle and mock Helen, asking if the fisherman cut her hair off with his hook. He ignores Helen's pleas and then jokingly says he heard of a hook man escaping an asylum. Finally he says he will contact Barry's parents if nobody hears from.


He was taking Helen to safety when he notices a vehicle out on the road, blocking him. He gets out to investigate but the Fisherman killed him. His death was deserved as by an annoying obnoxious cop he was.


  • His death is similar to Officer Andrews, Officer Richards, and Deputy Stevens from the Scream Franchise.
    • Like Richards, Andrews and Stevens, Caporizo are transporting some of the main characters.
      • Richards and Andrews are escorting Sidney Prescott and Hallie McDaniel
      • Stevens is taking Emma Duval and Audrey Jensen into custody after finding the dead body of Mayor Quinn Maddox
    • All of them are eventually killed:
      • Mickey Altieri ambushes Andrews from behind and slashes his throat
      • Richards atemmpted to fight back but is ran over by Altieri and impaled into a metal pole
        • Stevens sees Kieran Wilcox ( The Lakewood Slasher/Tv Ghostface) and crashes his car. He attempted to fight the killer but is ultimately stabbed in the stomach.

